業績一覧 | 平成21年度
研究論文, 査読付き会議論文等
斎藤 公明, 手島 直哉, 鈴木 喜雄, 中島 憲宏, 齋藤 秀俊, 国枝 悦夫, 藤崎 達也
FUJITSUファミリ会論文集 (Internet), PP.20
宮村 浩子, 品野 勇治, 宮代 隆平, 斎藤 隆文
情報処理学会論文誌; 数理モデル化と応用, Vol.2, No.2 PP103-112
木野 千晶, 鈴木 喜雄, 宮村 浩子, 武宮 博, 中島 憲宏
日本計算工学会論文集 (インターネット), Vol.2009, No.22 PP.12
中島 康平, 鈴木 喜雄, 手島 直哉, 杉本 振一郎, 吉村 忍, 中島 憲宏
全NEC C&Cシステムユーザー会平成20年度論文集 (CD-ROM), PP.13
G.Kim, Y.Suzuki and N.Teshima
“Network computing infrastructure to share tools and data in GNEP”
Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-17) (CD-ROM), PP.8
G.Kim, Y.Suzuki, N.Teshima, A.Nishida, T.Yamada, F.Araya, H.Takemiya, N.Nakajima and M.Kondo
“Script Generator API of AEGIS for Full-Scale 3D Vibration Simulator for an Entire Nuclear Power Plan”
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering (PARENG2009) (CD-ROM), PP.12
山田 知典, 長嶋 利夫
日本計算工学会論文集 (インターネット), Vol.2009, No.6 PP.7
山田 知典, 荻野 正雄, 吉村 忍
日本計算工学会論文集 (インターネット), Vol.2009, No.14 PP.7
西田 明美
第3回原子力システム研究開発事業 平成20年度成果報告会資料集 (CD-ROM), PP.2
西田 明美 他
安全研究フォーラム2009資料集, PP.25-29
“Parallel distributed seismic analysis of an assembled nuclear power plant”
Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering, PP.439-454
“Wave propagation analysis of piping structures”
Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-17) (CD-ROM), PP.7
“High speed eigenvalue solver on the Cell cluster system for controlling nuclear fusion plasma”
Proceedings of 18th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing (PDP2010), PP.482-488
N.Ishida, Y.Ota and Y.Yamamoto
“Generation and application of multi-path cat states of light”
New Journal of Physics (Internet), Vol.11, PP.033007_1-033007_15
M.Okumura et al.
“Magnetic localization in the spin-polarized one-dimensional Anderson-Hubbard model”
Physical Review B, Vol.79, No.18 PP.184417_1-184417_5
J.Ribas-Arino, M.Shiga and D.Marx
“Understanding covalent mechanochemistry”
Angewante Chemie International Edition, Vol.48, No.23 PP.4190-4193
A.Kaczmarek, M.Shiga, D.Marx
“Quantum effects on vibrational and electronic spectra of hydrazine studied by "on-the-fly" ab initio ring polymer molecular dynamics”
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol.113, No.10 PP.1985-1994
A.Kakizaki et al. (M.Shiga)
“Path-integral molecular dynamics simulations of small hydrated sulfuric acid clusters H2SO4. (H2O)n (n=1−6) on semiempirical PM6 potential surfaces”
Journal of Molecular Structure (THEOCHEM), Vol.901, No.1-3 PP.1-8
T.Takayanagi et al. (M.Shiga)
“Path-integral molecular dynamics simulations of hydrated hydrogen chloride cluster HCl (H2O)4 on a semiempirical potential energy surface”
Chemical Physics, Vol.358, No.3 PP.196-202
A.Witt et al. (M.Shiga)
“On the applicability of centroid and ring polymer path integral molecular dynamics for vibrational spectroscopy”
Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.130, No.19 PP.194510_1-194510_15
Y.Ota et al.
“Theory of heterotic superconductor-insulator-superconductor Josephson junctions between single- and multiple-gap superconductors”
Physical Review Letters, Vol.102, No.23 PP.237003_1-237003_4
M.Okumura et al.
“Polarization plateau in an atomic Fermi gas loaded on a three-leg triangular optical lattice”
Physical Review A, Vol.79, No.6 PP.061602_1-061602_4
A.Ramasubramaniam, M.Itakura and E.A.Carter
“Interatomic potentials for hydrogen in α-iron based on density functional theory”
Physical Review B, Vol.79, No.17 PP.174101_1-174101_13
山田 進, 今村 俊幸, 町田 昌彦
日本計算工学会論文集 (インターネット), Vol.2009, No.15 PP.12
S.Yamada, M.Okumura and M.Machida
“Direct extension of density-matrix renormalization group to two-dimensional quantum lattice systems; Studies of parallel algorithm, accuracy, and performance”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.78, No.9 PP.094004_1-094004_5
Takao Morinari, Hiroki Nakamura, Masahiko Machida and Takami Tohyama
“Effect of Fermi surface topology on inter-layer magnetoresistance in layered multiband systems; Application to LaFeAsO{1−x}Fx”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.78, No.11 PP.114702_1-114702_7
Y.Ota, M.Machida and T.Koyama
“Intergrain Josephson currents in multigap superconductors; Microscopic origin of low intergrain critical current and its recovery potential in iron-pnictide materials”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.78, No.10 PP.103701_1-103701_4
Hiroki Nakamura and Masahiko Machida
“First-principles calculations of the effect of pressure on the iron-based superconductor LaFeAsO”
Physical Review B, Vol.80, No.16, PP.165111_1-165111_5
A.Nakayama, T.Taketsugu and M.Shiga
“Speed-up of ab initio hybrid Monte Carlo and ab initio path integral hybrid Monte Carlo simulations by using an auxiliary potential energy surface”
Chemistry Letters, Vol.38, No.10 PP.976-977
J.Ribas-Arino, M.Shiga and D.Marx
“Unravelling the mechanism of force-induced ring-opening of benzocyclobutenes”
Chemistry; A European Journal, Vol.15, No.48 PP.13331-13335
T.Takayanagi et al. (M.Shiga)
“Path-integral molecular dynamics simulations for water anion clusters (H2O)5- and (D2O)5- ”
Chemical Physics Letters, Vol.482, No.4-6 PP.195-200
T.Yoshikawa et al. (M.Shiga)
“Path-integral molecular dynamics simulations of glycine-(H2O)n(n=1−7) clusters on semi-empirical PM6potential energy surfaces”
Chemical Physics, Vol.365, No.1-2 PP.60-68
H.Nakamura and M.Machida
“Highly two-dimensional electronic structure and strong fermi-surface nesting of the iron-based superconductor Sr2ScFePO3; A First-principles study”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.79, No.1, PP.013705_1-013705_4
“First-principles study for the anisotropy of iron-based superconductors toward power and device applications”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.78, No.12, PP.123712_1-123712_4
Y.Ota, et al.
“Theory of vortex structure in Josephson junctions with multiple tunneling channels; Vortex enlargement as a probe of ±s-wave superconductivity”
Physical Review B, Vol.81, No.1, PP.014502_1-014502_5
K.Ebihara et al.
“A Numerical study on the validity of the local equilibrium hypothesis in modeling hydrogen thermal desorption spectra”
ISIJ International, Vol.49, No.12, PP.1907-1913
M.Okumura et al.
“Exact diagonalization studies on two-band minimal model for iron-based superconductors”
Physica C, Vol.469, No.15-20 PP.932-935
H.Nakamura et al.
“First-principle electronic structure calculations for magnetic moment in iron-based superconductors; An LSDA + negative U study”
Physica C, Vol.469, No.15-20 PP.908-911
H.Nakamura et al.
“First-principle calculation for the phonon structure on iron-based superconductors”
Physica C, Vol.469, No.15-20 PP.1024-1026
N.Nakai, N.Hayashi and M.Machida
“Simulation study for the orientation of the driven vortex lattice in an amorphous superconductor”
Physica C, Vol.469, No.15-20 PP.1106-1109
N.Nakai, N.Hayashi and M.Machida
“Ginzburg-Landau simulation for a vortex around a columnar defect in a superconducting film”
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol.69, No.12 PP.3301-3303
N.Nakai, N.Hayashi and M.Machida
“Simulation studies for the vortex depinning dynamics around a columnar defect in superconductors”
Physica C, Vol.468, No.15-20 PP.1270-1273
K.Ebihara et al.
“Rate theory modeling of irradiation-induced phosphorus segregation in FCC nickel using first principles calculations”
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol.1125, PP.133-138
K.Ebihara et al.
“Numerical simulation of irradiation-induced grain-boundary phosphorous segregation in reactor pressure vessel steels using rate theory model with first-principles calculations”
Proceedings of 2009 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference (PVP2009) (CD-ROM), PP.8
G.P.Poornam et al. (A.Matsumoto and H.Ishida)
“A Method for the analysis of domain movements in large biomolecular complexes”
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics, Vol.76, No.1 PP.201-212
A.Matsumoto and H.Ishida
“Global conformational changes of ribosome observed by normal mode fitting for 3D cryo-EM structures”
Structure, Vol.17, No.12 PP.1605-1613
国際会議, 国内会議での発表等
Guehee Kim et al.
“Development of APIs for desktop supercomputing”
9th Teraflop Workshop
鈴木 喜雄, 林 幸子, 宮村 浩子
宮村 浩子, 鈴木 喜雄, 武宮 博
木野 千晶, 鈴木 喜雄, 武宮 博
Takayuki Tatekawa et al.
“Development of simple orchestration application framework and its application to burning plasma simulation”
11th Teraflop Workshop
Guehee Kim et al.
“3D virtual plant vibration simulator on simple orchestration application framework”
11th Teraflop Workshop
Hiroko N.Miyamura et al.
“Visualization system for the evaluation of numerical simulation results”
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC09)
Hiroko N.Miyamura et al.
“Visualization system for the evaluation of numerical simulation results”
Mini-Symposium in SC09
Takayuki Tatekawa et al.
“Simple orchestration application framework on AEGIS”
Mini-Symposium in SC09
Yoshio Suzuki
“Interoperation between grid infrastructures "AEGIS" and "DIET" for an international sparse linear algebra expert system”
Mini-Symposium in SC09
Hiroshi Takemiya
“Supercomputers in Japan Atomic Energy Agency”
Mini-Symposium in SC09
立川 崇之, 中島 康平, 金 奎希, 手島 直哉, 鈴木 喜雄, 武宮 博
金 奎希, 中島 康平, 立川 崇之, 手島 直哉, 鈴木 喜雄, 武宮 博
鈴木 喜雄
宮村 浩子, 大坐畠 智, 中尾 彰宏, 川島 幸之助, 鈴木 喜雄
宮村 浩子, 大坐畠 智, 中尾 彰宏, 川島 幸之助, 鈴木 喜雄
信学技報, Vol.109, No.188, PP85-90
宮村 浩子, 大坐畠 智, 中尾 彰宏, 川島 幸之助, 鈴木 喜雄
Chiaki Kino
“Design of scientific concept vocabulary for annotation method of visualization system”
Proceedings of Asia Simulation Conference 2009 (JSST2009) (CD-ROM)
“Recent advances in seismic simulation of nuclear power plant in its entirety”
Workshop on Seismic Simulations in Nuclear Science and Engineering
山田 知典, 新谷 文将
T.Yamada and T.Nagashima
“A Simple and efficient hybrid numerical quadrature scheme for structured extended FEM”
10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM-10)
酒井 理哉 他(西田 明美, 新谷 文将, 櫛田 慶幸)
西田 明美 他
西田 明美 他
西田 明美
近未来型の建築構造解析に関するワークショップ (GA09)
酒井 理哉 他(西田 明美, 新谷 文将, 櫛田 慶幸)
西田 明美 他
シンポジウム「シェル・空間構造の応答制御と減衰; 最近の取り組みと将来」
“Eigenvalue solution on the heterogeneous multi-core(Cell processor) for International Thermo-nuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) monitoring system”
Mini-Symposium in SC'09
高瀬 和之, 村松 壽晴, 関 暁之, 北村 竜明, 町田 啓
日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2009 講演論文集 PP.217-218
山田 知典
計算工学講演会論文集, Vol.14, No.1, PP.247-248
Tadashi Watanabe
“Accurate measurement of surface tension using a levitated liquid droplet”
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM2009) PP.403-406
Y.Ota et al.
“Theory of Josephson junctions between single- and two-gap superconductors; Identification of ±s-wave symetry via basic Josephson effects”
International Workshop on the Search for New Superconductors; Frontier and Future
H.Nakamura et al.
“Crystalline and magnetic structures of iron-based superconductors; A First-principle study”
International Workshop on the Search for New Superconductors; Frontier and Future
志賀 基之
“ab initio経路積分ハイブリッドモンテカルロ法”
志賀 基之
“Ab initio path integral simulations; Nuclear quantum effect”
13th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry (ICQC-13)
R.Igarashi et al.
“Partial order of frustrated Potts model”
International Conference on Magnetism2009 (ICM2009)
“Ab initio path integral simulations; Nuclear quantum effect”
7th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2009 (ICCMSE2009)
Y.Ota et al.
“Leggett's modes in multi-band superconductors”
New Developments in Theory of Superconductivity
Y.Ota et al.
“Heterotic Josephson junctions between single- and two-gap superconductors; Identification of ±s-wave in iron-based superconductors”
S.Yamada, M.Okumura and M.Machida
“Parallelization of dynamical DMRG for n-leg Hubbard model”
Supercomputing in Solid State Physics 2009
山田 進, 奥村 雅彦, 町田 昌彦
“並列計算によるDMRGの大規模シミュレーション手法の開発; 2次元モデルに対する動的DMRG法の並列化”
山田 進, 奥村 雅彦, 町田 昌彦
H.Nakamura et al.
“Crystalline and electronic structures of iron-based superconductors; A First-principle study”
New Developments in Theory of Superconductivity
山田 進 他
2009年並列/分散/協調処理に関する「仙台」サマー・ワークショップ (SWoPP仙台 2009)
M.Okumura et al.
“Non-equilibrium dynamics of spin-imbalanced fermions in optical lattice”
New Developments in Theory of Superconductivity
Y.Ota et al.
“Peculiar Josephson vortex structure for ±s-wave in Josephson junctions with multiple tunneling channels”
New directions of superconducting nanostructures 2009 (NDSN2009)
N.Nakai et al.
“Direct numerical simulations for the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation in the vortex-flow stage of a two-gap superconductor”
Nanoscience and Engineering in Superconductivity
N.Nakai et al.
“Temperature dependence of specific heat and nuclear magnetic relaxation rate for multi-gap superconductors”
New Developments in Theory of Superconductivity
M.Machida and Y.Ota
“Theory of Josephson vortices and collective modes in multi-bands superconductors”
12th International Workshop on Vortex Matter in Superconductors
五十嵐 亮 他
太田 幸宏 他
太田 幸宏, 町田 昌彦, 小山 富男
中村 博樹, 町田 昌彦
中井 宣之 他
中井 宣之, 町田 昌彦
奥村 雅彦
山田 進, 奥村 雅彦, 町田 昌彦
“超並列動的密度行列繰り込み群法の開発; ラダー系への直接拡張と高速化”
奥村 雅彦 他
Y.Ota et al.
“Holonomic quantum computing in a dimer-chain model via Ising-type interaction”
2nd International Workshop on Dynamics and Manipulation of Quantum Systems 2009
太田 幸宏, 近藤 康
第21回量子情報技術研究会 (QIT-21)
M.Itakura et al.
“Multiscale simulation of hydrogen segregation and decohesion”
Materials Research Society 2009 Fall Meeting
S.Yamada et al.
“Next-generation quantum many-body simulation project toward petaflops computing; Density matrix renormalization group method on massively parallel computer”
Mini-Symposium in SC'09
Y.Ota et al.
“Shapiro steps in heterotic SIS multi-tunneling-channel Josephson junctions: Identification of ±s-wave in iron-pnictide superconductors”
Y.Ota et al.
“Theory of Josephson Effects in Heterotic S-I-S Junctions with Iron-pnictide Superconductors”
中井 宣之, 太田 幸宏, 林 伸彦, 町田 昌彦
中井 宣之, 中村 博樹, 太田 幸宏, 永井 佑紀, 林 伸彦, 町田 昌彦
太田 幸宏, 町田 昌彦, 小山 富男, 青木 秀夫
蕪木 英雄, 山口 正剛, 板倉 充洋, 海老原 健一, 門吉 朋子, 鈴土 知明
鉄鋼材料の革新的高強度・高機能化基盤研究開発 第1回シンポジウム
T.Kadoyoshi et al.
“Hydrogen embrittlement of a grain boundary in alpha-iron; A Molecular dynamics study”
14th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-14)
H.Kaburaki et al.
“Molecular dynamics simulation on the grain boundary embrittlement of iron crystal”
T.Kadoyoshi et al.
“A Molecular dynamics study on hydrogen embrittlement of a grain boundary in alpha-iron”
Materials Research Society 2009 Fall Meeting
山口 正剛 他
九州大学応用力学研究所 平成21年度共同利用研究集会「材料照射効果基礎過程の解明; 軽水炉高経年化技術の向上を目指して」
海老原 健一 他
九州大学応用力学研究所 平成21年度共同利用研究集会「材料照射効果基礎過程の解明; 軽水炉高経年化技術の向上を目指して」
鈴土 知明, 蕪木 英雄, 板倉 充洋
“Computational study of recovery process in UO2/CeO2”
5th International Workshop of New Crossover Project
鈴土 知明
“First-principles study on the decohesion of iron (Fe) grain boundary by solute (B, C, P, S) segregation”
International Symposium on Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stractural Materials at Ambient Temperatures
M.Yamaguchi et al.
“First-principles study on the decohesion of grain boundaries in metals by hydrogen trapping”
International Symposium on Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stractural Materials at Ambient Temperatures
山口 正剛, 海老原 健一, 板倉 充洋, 鈴土 知明, 蕪木 英雄, 門吉 朋子
“粒界凝集エネルギーの第一原理計算, 2; 鉄の水素脆性”
日本金属学会2009年秋期 (第145回)大会
M.Yamaguchi et al.
“First-principles calculations of the formation and migration energies of defect-phosphorous complexes in bcc Fe and fcc Ni”
15th Meeting of the International Group on Radiation Damage Mechanisms in Pressure Vessel Steels (IGRDM-15)
山口 正剛
“溶質元素の粒界偏析とその脆化・強化効果; 第一原理計算による研究”
山口 正剛, 宇田川 豊, 阿部 弘亨, 関村 直人
“Zr-Nb合金の水素化及び照射効果に関する研究, 4; モデル化; 格子欠陥エネルギーの第一原理計算”
鈴土 知明, 山口 正剛, 蕪木 英雄
日本金属学会2010年春期 (第146回)大会
山田 進 他
五十嵐 亮 他
物性研究所短期研究会 計算物理学
中井 宣之, 中村 博樹, 太田 幸宏, 永井 佑紀, 林 伸彦, 町田 昌彦
中井 宣之, 町田 昌彦, 林 伸彦
Y.Ota, et al.
“Theory of ac Josephson effects in multiple tunneling junctions; A Probe of ±s-wave in iron-based superconductors”
American Physical Society 2010 March Meeting
Y.Ota, et al.
“Leggett's collective modes in multi-band superconductors; Multiple dynamical classes”
American Physical Society 2010 March Meeting
太田 幸宏, 町田 昌彦, 小山 富男, 青木 秀夫
“多バンド超伝導/超流動におけるレゲット・モードとそのdynamical class”
山田 進, 今村 俊幸, 奥村 雅彦, 五十嵐 亮, 町田 昌彦
奥村 雅彦, 山田 進, 町田 昌彦, 青木 秀夫
山田 進, 奥村 雅彦, 五十嵐 亮, 町田 昌彦
宮下 通泰, 樋口 克彦, 樋口 雅彦
Motoyuki Shiga
“Ab initio path integral simulations”
69th Okazaki Conference on "New Frontier in Quantum Chemical Dynamics"
五十嵐 亮, 奥村 雅彦, 山田 進, 町田 昌彦
文部科学省「最先端・高性能汎用スーパーコンピュータの開発利用」プロジェクト; 次世代ナノ統合シミュレーションソフトウェアの研究開発第4回公開シンポジウム
五十嵐 亮, 奥村 雅彦, 山田 進, 町田 昌彦
R.Igarashi, et al.
“Ground state phase diagram of the asymetric spin tube up to 6 legs”
American Physical Society 2010 March Meeting
五十嵐 亮, 奥村 雅彦, 山田 進, 町田 昌彦
町田 昌彦, 宮下 通泰, 中村 博樹
町田 昌彦
町田 昌彦, 佐々 成正
中村 博樹, 町田 昌彦
H.Nakamura, et al.
“Electronic structure of iron-based superconductors with thick perovskite-blocking layers”
American Physical Society 2010 March Meeting
町田 昌彦, 佐々 成正
奥村 雅彦, 大西 弘明, 山田 進, 町田 昌彦
H.Ota, et al.
“Propagation and reflection properties of external electromagnetic waves in Josephson Junctions”
1st JST-DFG Workshop on Terahertz Superconductor Electronics
Biophysical Society 54th Annual Meeting
“Analysis of dynamic properties of DNA repair protein MutS and DNA complexes using molecular dynamics simulations”
Biophysical Society 54th Annual Meeting
西田 明美, 吉中 進
“第7回新「シェル・空間構造」セミナー; 応答制御技術が開く空間構造デザインの可能性2008”
建築雑誌, Vol.128, No.1581, PP.053-054
Tomonori Yamada and Fumimasa Araya
“Construction of vibration table in an extended world for safety assessment of nuclear power plants”
High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2009, PP.223-232