業績一覧 | 平成20年度
櫛田 慶幸
FUJITSUファミリ会論文集(Internet), PP.10
鈴木 喜雄
FUJITSUファミリ会論文集(Internet), PP.15
木野 千晶 他
“認識能力を備えたデータ解析システムの概念設計; 有限要素法を用いた耐震解析への適用”
日本計算工学会論文集(インターネット), Vol.2008, No.18 PP.8
Y. Suzuki et al.
“Development of three-dimensional virtual plant vibration simulator on grid computing environment ITBL-IS/AEGIS"
Journal of Power and Energy Systems(Internet), Vol.3, No.1 PP.60-71
Y. Suzuki et al.
“Research and development of fusion grid infrastructure based on Atomic Energy Grid InfraStructure(AEGIS)”
Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.83, No.2-3 PP.511-515
Y. Suzuki et al.
“Development of three-dimensional virtual plant vibration simulator on grid computing environment ITBL-IS/AEGIS”
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-16) (CD-ROM)
Y. Suzuki et al.
“Interoperation between Atomic Energy Grid Infrastructure(AEGIS) and other grids”
High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2008, PP.65-77
N. Kushida et al.
“Toward an international sparse linear algebra expert system by interconnecting the ITBL Computational Grid with the Gri d-TLSE platform”
Proceedings of 8th International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR ’08) (CD-ROM), PP.424-429
Y. Tsujita et al. (Y. Suzuki and H. Kimura)
“Building an application-specific grid computing environment using ITBL for nuclear material engineering”
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-16) (CD-ROM)
Y. Caniou, N. Kushida and N. Teshima
“Implementing interoperability between the AEGIS and DIET GridRPC middleware to build an international sparse linear algebra expert system”
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP 2008) (CD-ROM), PP.205-210
T. Watanabe
“Numerical simulation of oscillations and rotations of a free liquid droplet using the level set method”
Computers & Fluids, Vol.37, No.2 PP.91-98
T. Watanabe
“Zero frequency shift of an oscillating-rotating liquid droplet”
Physics Letters A, Vol.372, No.4 PP.482-485
N. Kushida and Y. Okuda
“Optimization of the parallel finite element method for the earth simulator”
Journal of Computational Science and Technology (Internet), Vol.2, No.1 PP.81-91
西田 明美
シェル・空間構造の減衰と応答制御, PP.7-15
M. Ida
“Bubble-bubble interaction; A Potential source of cavitation noise”
Physical Review E, Vol.79, No.1 PP.016307_1-016307_7
M. Ida, T. Naoe and M. Futakawa
“On the effect of microbubble injection on cavitation bubble dynamics in liquid mercury”
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol.600, No.2 PP.367-375
T. Yamada et al.
“Proposal of vibration table in an extended world by grid computing technology for assembled structures”
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan, Vol.57 PP.81-87
K. Shinohara et al. (M. Ida and N. Nakajima)
“Shape optimization using adjoint variable method for reducing drag in Stokes flow”
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol.58, No.2 PP.119-159
T. Watanabe
“Parallel computations of droplet oscillations”
Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD 2007) (CD-ROM)
C. Kino et al.
“Development of cognitive methodology based data analysis system”
High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2008, PP.89-97
M. Machida et al.
“Correlation effects on atom-density profiles of one-and two-dimensional polarized atomic fermi gases loaded on an optical lattice”
Physical Review A, Vol.77, No.5 PP.053614_1-053614_8
M. Machida, M. Okumura and S. Yamada
“Stripe formation in fermionic atoms on a two-dimensional optical lattice inside a box trap; Density-matrix renormalization-group studies for the repulsive Hubbard model with open boundary conditions”
Physical Review A, Vol.77, No.4 PP.043601_1-043601_6
M. Okumura et al.
“Hole localization in the one-dimensional doped anderson-hubbard model ”
Physical Review Letters, Vol.101, No.1 PP.016407_1-016407_4
H. Kaburaki et al.
“Dynamical thermal conductivity of argon crystal”
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.102, No.4 PP.043514_1-043514_6
山口 正剛
“粒界凝集エネルギーの第一原理計算; bcc Fe∑3(111)粒界における溶質元素の偏析と脆化及び強化効果”
日本金属学会誌, Vol.72, No.9 PP.657-666
海老原 健一 他
鉄と鋼, Vol.94, No.11 PP.62-71
Y. Nagai et el. (N. Hayashi)
“Kramer-Pesch approximation for analyzing field-angle-resolved measurements made in unconventional superconductors; A Calculation of the zero-energy density of states”
Physical Review Letters, Vol.101, No.9 PP.097001_1-097001_4
K. Suzuki, M. Shiga and M. Tachikawa
“Temperature and isotope effects on water cluster ions with path integral molecular dynamics based on the fourth order Trotter expansion”
Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.129, No.144 PP.144310_1-144310_8
T. Takayanagi et al. (M. Shiga)
“Molecular dynamics simulations of small glycine-(H20)n (n=2-7) clusters on semiempirical PM6 potential energy surfaces”
Journal of Molecular Structure (THEOCHEM), Vol.869, No.1-3 PP.29-36
H. Motegi et al. (M. Shiga)
“Path-integral molecular dynamics simulations of BeO embedded in helium clusters; Formation of the stable HeBeO complex”
Chemical Physics, Vol.354, No.1-3 PP.38-43
T. Nishio et el. (N. Hayashi)
“Superconducting Pb island nanostructures studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy”
Physical Review Letters, Vol.101, No.16 PP.167001_1-167001_4
Y. Nagai et al. (N. Hayashi, N. Nakai, H. Nakamura, M. Okumura and M. Machida)
“Nuclear magnetic relaxation and superfluid density in Fe-pnictide superconductors; An Anisotropic ±s-wave scenario”
New Journal of Physics (Internet), Vol.10, No.10 PP.103026_1-103026_17
A. Ramasubramaniam et al. (M. Itakura)
“Effect of atomic scale plasticity on hydrogen diffusion in iron; Quantum mechanically informed and on-the-fly kinetic Monte Carlo simulations”
Journal of Materials Research, Vol.23, No.10 PP.2757-2773
M. Kamaya and M. Itakura
“Simulation for intergranular stress corrosion cracking based on a three-dimensional polycrystalline model”
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.76, No.3 PP.386-401
T. Ichinomiya et al. (M. Itakura)
“Temperature accelerated dynamics study of migration process of oxygen defects in UO2”
Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.384, No.3 PP.315-321
M. Okumura, S. Yamada and M. Machida
“DMRG studies for 1-D random Hubbard chain close to the half-filling”
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol.69, No.12 PP.3324-3326
S. Yamada et al.
“On-site pairing interaction and quantum coherence in strongly correlated systems”
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol.69, No.12 PP.3395-3397
N. Hayashi et al.
“Josephson effect between conventional and non-centrosymmetric superconductors”
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol.69, No.12 PP.3225-3227
N. Hayashi et al.
“Josephson effect between conventional and Rashba superconductors”
Physica C, Vol.486, No.7-10 PP.844-847
S. Yamada, M. Okumura and M. Machida
“Parallel computing of directly-extended density-matrix renormalization group to two-dimensional strongly correlated quantum systems”
Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2008), PP.175-180
S. Yamada, M. Okumura and M. Machida
“High performance computing for eigenvalue solver in density-matrix renormalization group method; Parallelization of the hamiltonian matrix-vector multiplication”
Proceedings of 8th International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR ’08) (CD-ROM), PP.448-454
M. Machida et al.
“Quantum synchronization effects in intrinsic Josephson junctions”
Physica C, Vol.468, No.7-10 PP.689-694
S. Yamada et al.
“Vortex core structure in strongly correlated superfluidity”
Physica C, Vol.468, No.15-20 PP.1237-1240
M. ltakura et al.
“Multi-scale modeling of crack propagation”
High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2008, PP.145-152
M. Okumura et al.
“Hole localization in strongly correlated and disordered systems; DMRG studies for 1-D and 3-leg ladder random Hubbard models”
Physica C, Vol.468, No.15-20 PP.1241-1244
A. Matsumoto et al.
“Key interactions in integrin ectodomain responsible for global conformational change detected by elastic network normal-mode analysis”
Biophysical Journal, Vol.95, No.6 PP.2895-2908
C. Yamasaki et al. (K. Yura)
“The H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB); A Comprehensive annotation resource for human genes and transcripts”
Nucleic Acids Research, Vol.36, Database PP.D793-D799
A. Srinivasan et al. (A. Matsumoto)
“Properties of the nucleic-acid bases in free and Watson-Crick hydrogen-bonded states; Computational insights into the sequence-dependent features of double-helical DNA”
Biophysical Reviews, Vol.1, No.1 PP.13-20
国際会議, 国内会議での発表等
N. Nakajima et al.
“Deployment of nuclear science simulations and IT infrastructure”
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ’08)
G. Kim et al.
“Hybrid method combining atomic model and continuum”
International Conference on Quantum Simulators and Design 2008 (QSD 2008)
中島 康平
鈴木 喜雄
“原子力研究のためのポスト処理; 大規模データ可視化から思考的データ解析へ”
中島 康平 他
Y. Suzuki et al.
“Cerebral methodology based computing for estimating validity of simulation results”
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ’08)
H. Takemiya et al.
“Using heterogeneous multi-core processors for MHD stability analysis”
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ’08)
N. Teshima et al.
“AEGIS; Atomic Energy Grid InfraStructure”
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ’08)
木野 千晶 他
日本原子力学会 2009年春の年会
木野 千晶 他
中島 康平 他
日本原子力学会 2009年春の年会
宮村浩子, 満倉靖恵
電気学会 産業計測制御研究会
西田 明美 他
“GNEPにおける原子力耐震解析技術への取り組み; WS報告”
A. Nishida, M. Kondo
“Towards our French-Japan collaboration”
2nd Meeting of REDIMPS
櫛田 慶幸 他
日本原子力学会 2008年春の年会
井田 真人
“高エネルギー科学におけるキャビテーション問題; その抑制手法と結合振動子モデルを用いた解析”
京都駅前セミナー; 非線形現象の数理を考える
中島 憲宏 他
日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会
西田 明美
日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会
西田 明美
A. Nishida et al.
“Wave propagation analysis of three-dimensional frame structures”
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ’08)
N. Kushida et al.
“AEGIS-DIET interconnection using message translation”
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ’08)
T. Yamada
“Construction of vibration table in an extended world for safety assessment of nuclear power plants”
9th Teraflop Workshop
S. Yamada et al.
“Tera-flops quantum simulation for superconducting nano-device; High-performance eigenvalue solver on the earth simulator”
7th Teraflop Workshop
S. Yamada et al.
“High performance computing for eigenvalue solver to coupled Josephson junctions on the earth simulator”
3rd Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM ’07) & 11th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Method in Engineering and Science (EPMESC-11)
山田 進, 奥村 雅彦, 町田 昌彦
山田 進, 奥村 雅彦, 町田 昌彦
N. Hayashi
“Josephson effect between conventional and Rashba superconductors”
Workshop on Non-centrosymmetric Superconductors
林 伸彦
M. Machida
“Quantum synchronization and electromagnetic wave emission in intrinsic Josephson junctions”
International Conference on Theoretical Physics (Dubna Nano-2008)
M. Machida
“Quantum dynamics, synchronization, and electromagnetic wave emission in intrinsic Josephson junctions”
6th International Symposium on Intrinsic Josephson Effect and Plasma Oscillations in High-Tc Superconductors (Plasma 2008)
志賀 基之
T. Shiga
“Ab initio path integral molecular dynamics using ONIOM method”
World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists Conference 2008 (WATOC 2008)
T. Shiga
“Ab initio path integral molecular dynamics simulations; Nuclear quantum effect”
11th Asian Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations (ASIAN-11)
M.Itakura et al.
“Coupled simulation of grain boundary decohesion and hydrogen segregation”
4th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM 2008)
“New theoretical method for analyzing the field-angle-dependent measurements made in unconventional superconductors”
Joint ESF-JSPS International Workshop on Nanostructured Superconductors; From fundamentals to applications
山田 進 他
“超並列固有値計算手法の開発; 大規模量子計算への応用”
先駆的科学計算に関するフォーラム 2008; 線形計算を中心に
山田 進, 町田 昌彦, 奥村 雅彦
日本物理学会 2008年秋季大会
M. Okumura, S. Yamada and M. Machida
“Ground states of cold neutral fermions in 2-dimensional optical lattices; Effects of strong correlation in square and triangular lattices”
21th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2008)
奥村 雅彦 他
日本物理学会 2008年秋季大会
奥村 雅彦 他
日本物理学会 2008年秋季大会
H. Nakamura et al.
“Effects of magnetic ordering on phonon spectra in iron-based superconductors; First principle calculation and theoretical analysis”
American Physical Society 2009 March Meeting
太田 幸宏 他
中村 博樹 他
M. Okumura et al.
“Magnetizm localization and hole localization in fermionic atoms loaded on optical lattice”
American Physical Society 2009 March Meeting
中村 博樹, 山田 進, 町田 昌彦
日本物理学会 2008年秋季大会
N. Nakai, N. Hayashi and M. Machida
“TDGL simulation for the driven vortex-latice in an amorphous superconductor”
International Workshop on Nanostructured Superconductors: From fundamentals to applications
N. Nakai et al.
中井 宣之, 林 伸彦, 町田 昌彦
中井 宣之, 林 伸彦, 町田 昌彦
日本物理学会 2008年秋季大会
中井 宣之, 林 伸彦, 町田 昌彦
日本物理学会 2008年秋季大会
太田 幸宏 他
奥村 雅彦 他
中井 宣之 他
中村 博樹 他
奥村 雅彦, 山田 進, 町田 昌彦
M. Okumura et al.
“Spin and charge dynamics in atomic fermions loaded on optical lattice"
American Physical Society 2009 March Meeting
M. Okumura, S. Yamada and M. Machida
“Parallelized DMRG studies for atomic Fermi gas loaded on optical lattice”
Supercomputing in Solid State Physics 2009
蕪木 英雄 , 津崎 兼彰
蕪木 英雄
M. Yamada and H. Kaburaki
“First principles calculation on iron grain boundary embrittlement due to impurity segregation”
IEA Fusion Modeling Meeting
H. Kaburaki et al.
“Modeling of the mechanism of delayed fracture initiation”
NIMS Conference 2008
山口 正剛 他
“ニッケル中のリン原子の移動メカニズム; 第一原理計算による研究”
海老原 健一 他
“水素放出プロファイルにおける水素拡散の影響; 数値シミュレーションによる考察”
鈴土 知明 他
“新クロスオーバー研究(NXO), 8; 高燃焼度燃料細粒化の3次元メゾスケールシミュレーション”
日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会
山口 正剛 他
“粒界凝集エネルギーの第一原理計算; 水素の脆化効果”
日本金属学会 2008年秋期(第143回)大会
T. Suzudo, M. Itakura and H. Kaburaki
“Modeling study of grain sub-division observed at high burnup nuclear fuel”
4th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM 2008)
鈴土 知明 他
“長寿命プラント照射損傷管理技術に関する研究開発, 7; ヘリウム-空孔型クラスター成長シミュレーション”
日本原子力学会 2009年春の年会
山口 正剛
日本金属学会 2009年春期大会
一宮 尚志 他 (板倉 充洋)
日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会
永井 佑紀, 林 伸彦
“磁場回転比熱の新しい解析手法; 渦コア準粒子の寄与の考慮”
永井 佑紀, 林 伸彦
“磁場回転比熱の新しい解析手法; 渦コア準粒子の寄与の考慮”
Y. Chen 他 (鈴土 知明, 板倉 充洋)
“新クロスオーバー研究(NXO), 9; 高燃焼度燃料細粒化・リム組織形成シミュレーション研究の現状と成果”
日本原子力学会 2008年秋の大会
A. Matsumoto
“Structural analysis of ribosome based on the elastic network normal mode analysis and fitting technique”
Japan-UK symposium on conformational changes in proteins and nucleic acids which constitute biological macro-molecules
松本 淳
松本 淳 他
中村 建介
A. Matsumoto and H. Ishida
“Structural analysis of ribosome based on the elastic network normal mode analysis and fitting technique”
A. Matsumoto and H. Ishida
“Structural analysis of ribosome based on the elastic network normal mode analysis and fitting technique”
6th Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium / 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting
中島 憲宏 他
T. Watanabe
“Oscillation frequency and deformation of levitated droplets”
Proceedings of 22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2008) (CD-ROM)
井田 真人 他
日本流体力学会年会2008 拡張要旨集(CD-ROM)
井田 真人 他
中島 憲宏
辻田 祐一 他(鈴木 喜雄, 木村 英雄)
情報処理学会研究報告2008-ARC-177, 2008-HPC-114
N. Nakajima et al.
“A Large scale simulation for impact and blast loading issues”
Proceedings of International Symposium on Structures under Earthquake, Impact, and Blast Loading 2008
西田 明美
中島 憲宏 他
O. Hazama et al.
“Integrated framework for simulating behaviors of nuclear power plants under earthquakes”
Proceedings of 9th MpCCI User Forum
西田 明美
A. Nishida
“Impact analysis of three-dimensional frame structures; An Application for piping structures of a nuclear power plant”
Proceedings of International Symposium on Structures under Earthquake, Impact, and Blast Loading 2008
山田 知典
蕪木 英雄, 鈴土 知明, 板倉 充洋
山口 正剛 他
“水素脆化の表面エネルギー低下説; 第一原理計算による研究”
サイエンティフィック・システム研究会大規模SMP運用WG (菅谷 寿男)
“大規模SMP運用WG 成果報告書”
大規模SMP運用WG 成果報告書(インターネット)